Read Ezekiel 37:1-14
God gave the prophet Ezekiel insight into the Israelite people's condition during their Eastern Captivity. Their spiritual alienation from God caused their captivity and suspended their national purpose and power. The people are as dry bones scattered upon the surface of an open valley. At first glance, the vision Ezekial saw might indicate hopelessness. There was a valley of dry bones. There were no bodies, no flesh, and no life.
When Ezekiel spoke as God instructed, he saw the bones take form. However, form without function is as futile as no form at all. Life came when the breath of the wind entered the motionless bodies. There stood an exceeding army when it was all said and done.
Spiritual enlightenment reveals the realness beyond what we see. Often, hopelessness distinguishes the state of the spiritually dead. However, hearing and responding to the Word of the Lord brings life.
What does your spiritual condition resemble?
Are you protesting the word and will of God for your life?
Do you have a good religion but an alienated relationship with God?
Hear the word of the Lord!
God is calling you out to come forth! He calls you to demonstrate or prove His good, acceptable, and perfect will.
What is His good, acceptable, and perfect will?
It's for Him to reign over a perfect kingdom, with creation's harmony restored and a redeemed people among whom he delights to be in their midst.
How do you prove God's good, acceptable, and perfect will?
1) Commit your decisions to HIm.
2) Hear the word of the Lord by searching the scripture.
3) Trust Holy Spirit for Guidance
4) Trust Him with the Outcome.
When we don't prove God's good, acceptable, and perfect will, we become scattered, dry, and lifeless bones in a valley. We are without form, function, and fulfillment. However, when we prove God's good, acceptable, and perfect will, the presence and operations of the Eternal are manifested. Our faith is revived, our spiritual functionality is restored, and our purpose resumes.
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